Nick Jones Therapy
Counselling, Psychotherapy & Supervision in Brentwood, Essex

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Group Psychotherapy

I plan to offer a psychotherapy group to in Brentwood. This will meet once a week in the evening for ninety minutes, most likely from 6:30pm until 8:00pm.

If this interests you please feel free to contact me.

How does group psychotherapy help?

Within a therapy group people have the opportunity to learn with, and from, a number of people, rather than just with the therapist. This makes for a rich and dynamic experience, and therapy groups are able to offer a great deal of support, insight and help to their members.

Much like in individual therapy, people tend to speak about private matters, including relationships; family experiences; work; private thoughts and feelings, and so on. For this reason the group's confidentiality is essential.

Naturally, the prospect of joining a therapy group can be daunting - not least because you would be invited to share details of your private experience with a number of people, not just a therapist. But a therapy group offers an opportunity to develop trust in themselves and others, and the experience of belonging can reduce feelings of shame, which people often carry.

In addition, people often learn to find their own voice, both within the group and beyond. This can help people to express themselves more fully; to speak up in difficult moments; to stand up for their needs; and to stand up for others. It can also help develop compassion, empathy and a broader, deeper perspective in relation to others' experiences.

By belonging to a therapy group, people often realise that they have feelings and experiences in common with other members; equally, the awareness of different experiences offers an opportunity to deepen people's understanding of themselves and others. Groups also offer the opportunity to help others as well as receive help, and this is often a powerful part of the therapeutic process.

Group members participate in each other's therapy as much as their own, and this is often an important and rewarding part of the experience. There is no time limit for how long people can be in a psychotherapy group, and people can participate for between a few months a few years.

Lastly, it is not uncommon for people to feel that group therapy would be less useful than individual therapy, or is a cheaper and therefore less valuable process. I find the opposite to be true, and the presence and engagement of peers, rather than one therapist, within a therapy group can be incredibly strengthening and liberating.

If you feel group therapy might be helpful for you, or you'd like to know more about it, do feel free to get in touch.

How much does group psychotherapy cost?

Group therapy typically costs less than individual therapy. This doesn't make it a less valuable process.

The fees would be monthly and would be for membership of the group, and the fees would be proportionate to people's income - typically between £100 and £200 per month.

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