Nick Jones Therapy
Counselling, Psychotherapy & Supervision in Brentwood, Essex

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Reflective Practice

Organisations, teams and services rely upon their cohesion as a group in order to function effectively.

I convene reflective practice groups for teams or organisations which would benefit from a space where colleagues can share and process the demands of their work.

If you would be interested in arranging something like this, please do get in touch.

What is Reflective Practice?

Reflective Practice is a broad term for any group in which team members, colleagues or people working together in any capacity come together to speak about their work.

Teams which work with complex client groups - whether patients or service users of any kind - can often find themselves entwined with difficult dynamics within the team itself. This can limit the team's effectiveness, and over time will take a toll on individual morale and the team spirit.

Reflective groups provide a time in which people can speak, listen and share their experiences with one another; raise dilemmas about the work and its challenges; and take time away from the demands of work-related tasks, in order to recalibrate and recoup energy.

Groups of this kind can help sustain a team's communicative capacity, morale and cohesion. Often, by having a dedicated space in which it's permissible to express uncertainty, confusion, doubt or exhaustion, as well as the more positive aspects of work, teams sustain their capacity to work together effectively.

How do I set up a Reflective Group?

Often organisations are unsure whether reflective practice will help, if at all. And even once it is set up, colleagues can be unsure how to use the space, what can be talked about, what is its purpose, and so on.

It is usually helpful to have an preliminary meeting with the team, as well as preparatory conversations with the person who has initiated the idea within the organisation. This can help clarify the aims of the work, its scope, frequency and so on. Some services have Reflective Practice groups every week; some monthly; some quarterly: the arrangement can be made which best suits the needs and resources of the service.

If you are interested, please do get in touch and we can speak about if and how such a group could help your organisation.

My Background and Experience

I have a qualification in Reflective Practice in Organisations, undertaken with the Institute of Group Analysis, London, from 2016-2017.

I have facilitated Reflective Practice groups within forensic psychotherapy; with London probation staff; with hospital nursing staff; and within the National Literacy Trust. And, having worked in services with complex client groups, I have first-hand experience of the ways in which a client group can manifest in the dynamics of a team, potentially to the detriment of all.

Prior to this, I worked in the Complex Families Service of a London local authority, which worked with multidisciplinary teams constellated around families, in order to try and improve communication, engagement and the efficacy of interventions between services and with families. I undertook mentalisation-based training with the Anna Freud Centre, and utilised mentalisation as a way of helping families and professionals communicate with one another, and between services by recognising differences, strengths and areas of commonality.

I have also worked as a therapist for the London Ambulance Service, a position which first gave me an insight into the impact work can have on employees; and believe that attending to team dynamics and the psychological experience of colleagues will help to sustain and strengthen the service itself, as well as the experience of those working within it.

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